(On Black Shirt Only)

Sizes: S, M, L, XL, *XXL

Price: $16

Shipping: $4.25 (U.S. First Class or PriorityMail) $3.25 Each Additional

Outside U.S. - email for information.

Allow 3 - 8 Days For L & XL Delivery. (3 - 6 Weeks For S, M & XXL).

*Add $2 For XXL

Notes On This Image

to buy - just click on your size:

Printed on Gildan Ultra 100% Cotton Heavyweight shirts. Gildan, a member of the Fair Labor Association, is a socially and ethically responsible company. All production facilities in Honduras and Mexico are WRAP (Worldwide Reliable Apparel Production) Certified, and any sub-contracted work is held to the same standards. Shirts are printed in Gainesville, Florida by Atlas Screen Printing. No sweatshops are involved, or will be involved, in the production of this shirt.

Wholesale Information

email: questions@thequestioneverythingplace.com

(c) 2020 Terry Alice. All Rights Reserved.